Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Finding Ways.

My colleague's getting married. I'm happy for her. This is a great season to start with anyhow;
What with all the young people around me getting married, falling in love and finding their luck abiding with them in different feels great to be part of such joy.

Then why am I disturbed?
It's not a state of mind. More like a foreboding.
Possibly because the one man I happen to think is wonderful and perfect for me is suddenly if we'd never met.
Possibly because my evergreen best friend is suddenly the portrait of sorrow since she recently started work - first job.
Isn't this what usually happens once you fall in love and get married to the perfect person / get the perfect job / find the perfect home?
Something bloody well goes wrong.

All I did was ask. Ask how he was. Ask how work was. Suddenly something went dead wrong in his disposition. Slow to answer, equally slow to ask. Something not-quite usual.

How to deal? How do I get this through? What must I put across to him, or more importantly, reinforce in my own mind? How am I supposed to get my best friend back from this zombie she's suddenly morphed into?

No answers really, just questions. I'm starting to think that, instead of finding ways, we should just let our situations cope with us.

I'm giving my best friend time and space...she wants to shed some first-time tears and I'm going to be her pillar. I'm just going to wait and let it happen as she wants it to.
I'm letting go of him. If he's stressed at work / harried about something, he'll need to work it out...once he works it out, he'll realize the distance between us is growing. And he'll open up.

Look, for all I know, this may not even happen. But it's okay. What's the worst that could happen? Nothing's worse than this, say that enough number of times and you'll start believing it. Find your own way out of a situation where you're not wanted.
When you're wanted, those situations will just come looking for you.